The month of July has been a busy month for our little guy. He has learned and experienced so many new things. Caleb learned how to roll from his back to his stomach while we were on vacation for the Fourth.

Caleb went to his first annual Myrtle Beach vacation. Not only did he enjoy the water and sand, he swam with the sharks at the aquarium.
When we got home from our family vacation, Caleb began learning how to sit up when mommy would place him on his butt on the floor. He's doing much better now than he was in this picture.

A few weeks ago mommy and daddy went to Babies R Us and bought him his very own highchair. He loves to sit in it and eat his fruit and veggies and play with toys on the tray.

This past weekend Caleb learned how to get his toes in his mouth. He also started using a seat in the bathtub instead of his baby tub.